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CVE-2024-43805 Security feature bypass

Remediate Within 6 Months

CVE Information

Original CVE data


jupyterlab is an extensible environment for interactive and reproducible computing, based on the Jupyter Notebook Architecture. This vulnerability depends on user interaction by opening a malicious notebook with Markdown cells, or Markdown file using JupyterLab preview feature. A malicious user can access any data that the attacked user has access to as well as perform arbitrary requests acting as the attacked user. JupyterLab v3.6.8, v4.2.5 and Jupyter Notebook v7.2.2 have been patched to resolve this issue. Users are advised to upgrade. There is no workaround for the underlying DOM Clobbering susceptibility. However, select plugins can be disabled on deployments which cannot update in a timely fashion to minimise the risk. These are: 1. `@jupyterlab/mathjax-extension:plugin` - users will loose ability to preview mathematical equations. 2. `@jupyterlab/markdownviewer-extension:plugin` - users will loose ability to open Markdown previews. 3. `@jupyterlab/mathjax2-extension:plugin` (if installed with optional `jupyterlab-mathjax2` package) - an older version of the mathjax plugin for JupyterLab 4.x. To disable these extensions run: ```jupyter labextension disable @jupyterlab/markdownviewer-extension:plugin && jupyter labextension disable @jupyterlab/mathjax-extension:plugin && jupyter labextension disable @jupyterlab/mathjax2-extension:plugin ``` in bash.

CVSS v2-
CVSS v36.1
Affected Vendors

Jupyter - (2)

Basic Analysis

Common vulnerability metrics

Vulnerabilty type as detected by PRIOnengine

Security feature bypass

CVSS Scores as calculated by PRIOnengine
CVSS v24.3
CVSS v39.8

Vulnerability weakness type is in the top 25 CWEs according to MITRE. View Mitre Top 25 CWEs


No exploit code is reported to exist.

Active Exploitation

Vulnerability is not in CISA's Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) catalog. See the KEV Catalog

Social Network Activity


Threat Actor Activity

No sightings of the vulnerability within threat reports.

Cybersecurity Frameworks

How the vulnerability maps against various cybersecurity frameworks


Compliance Impact

How the submited vulnerability affects compliance


Web Application Security Frameworks

Applicable if the issue likely affects a web application
