CVE-2024-39717 - Design/Logic Flaw
CVE Information
Original CVE data
The Versa Director GUI provides an option to customize the look and feel of the user interface. This option is only available for a user logged with Provider-Data-Center-Admin or Provider-Data-Center-System-Admin. (Tenant level users do not have this privilege). The “Change Favicon” (Favorite Icon) option can be mis-used to upload a malicious file ending with .png extension to masquerade as image file. This is possible only after a user with Provider-Data-Center-Admin or Provider-Data-Center-System-Admin has successfully authenticated and logged in.
Versa-networks - (1)
Basic Analysis
Common vulnerability metrics
Design/Logic Flaw
Vulnerability weakness type is in the top 25 CWEs according to MITRE. View Mitre Top 25 CWEs
Exploits are available either through exploit packs, Github repos or the world wide web in general.
Vulnerability is referenced under CISA's Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) catalog. See the KEV Catalog
Vulnerability is mentioned or trending in social media.
Vulnerability is being actively exploited by threat actors during campaigns.
Cybersecurity Frameworks
How the vulnerability maps against various cybersecurity frameworks
Compliance Impact
How the submited vulnerability affects compliance
Web Application Security Frameworks
Applicable if the issue likely affects a web application