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AI Driven

Vulnerability Prioritization

Vulnerability analysis and prioritization demand significant time and resources. The daily influx of vulnerabilities can strain even the most experienced professionals...until now.


Analyze Vulnerabilities Like a Pro

Vulnerability Notifications
Receive notifications about vulnerabilities affecting the products you use.
Comprehensive Vulnerability Analysis
We are able to analyze vulnerabilities from various sources, including those identified by penetration testers or tools without assigned CVEs
On-Demand Data Enrichment
Elevate your vulnerability data by easily enhancing it on an ad-hoc basis, ensuring you have the most comprehensive information at your fingertips
Vulnerability Feed
Stay updated on the latest vulnerabilities with our constantly refreshed, pre-analyzed feed, ensuring your digital environment remains secure 24/7

Our Approach

Why we are different from XYZ?

PRIO-n Approach

Priority extends beyond mere severity, it's tied to risk. Both factors weigh numerous elements, such as potential impact, exploitability, and vulnerability criticality, yielding a comprehensive assessment of significance and urgency. We must shift from the traditional "Let's tackle all vulnerabilities with a severity rated 6.7 or higher."

Our approach enables, cybersecurity experts to benefit from clear, actionable priority labels and robust justifications, erasing ambiguity and simplifying decision-making. This refined approach optimizes vulnerability management, ensuring precise resource allocation where needed most.

Use Cases

Several reasons to integrate with our engine

Our approach enables, cybersecurity experts to benefit from clear, actionable priority labels and robust justifications, erasing ambiguity and simplifying decision-making. This refined approach optimizes vulnerability management, ensuring precise resource allocation where needed most.

Cybersecurity Firms

  • Stay Informed with Instant Notifications
  • Enhance Report Value with Comprehensive Vulnerability Data
  • Gain Competitive Edge


  • Enrich Incident Cases with Vulnerability Data
  • Stay Proactive with Customer Product Notifications
  • Access Indicators of Compromise


  • Prioritize Security Patch Releases
  • Enhanced Customer Communication
  • Compliance Impact Analysis


  • Benefit from Consistent Prioritization
  • Optimize Your Remediation Planning
  • Stay Informed with Relevant Vulnerability Notifications


Connect with your existing tools

Our approach enables, cybersecurity experts to benefit from clear, actionable priority labels and robust justifications, erasing ambiguity and simplifying decision-making. This refined approach optimizes vulnerability management, ensuring precise resource allocation where needed most.

Vulnerability Notifications
Quickly set up your preferred vendors for monitoring, and we'll handle the rest.
OpenAPI compatible, rest API available to integrate with your existing tools


Browse our latest blog posts and news

Checkout our blog section where we delve into the world of vulnerability research, share compelling statistics and insightful observations.